Friday 20 July 2012

The last days of Syrian butcher Assad's regime – and of his Western supporters!

From Nureddin Sabir, Editor, Redress Information & Analysis:

We are witnessing the last days of Bashar "The Butcher" Assad, the Alawite sectarian dictator ruling Syria. Slowly but surely, the revolutionaries of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) are closing in on his vipers’ nests.

Three days ago a massive bomb, pre-positioned by FSA fighters, exploded during a meeting of Assad's top henchmen – Defence Minister Dawud Rajiha, Deputy Defence Minister and Assad brother-in-law Asif Shawkat, Deputy Vice-President Hassan Turkmani and security services chief Hisham Ikhtiar.

For nearly a week now, the revolutionaries have been fighting regime forces and Shabiha thugs in Damascus. The fact that they have been able to sustain the fight right in the centre of the capital is a clear sign that the noose is tightening around the butcher Assad's neck.

Any day, any week, any month now, it will be over and Assad will be all over our television screens – a pathetic, lifeless corpse or sliming his way down the steps of a plane in Moscow or Beijing.

Yet, here in the West, lurking in the darkest corners of ignorance – on the internet and on the English-language propaganda television channels of Russia and Iran, RT and Press TV, cynics and self-styled "anti-imperialists" and some "leftists" continue to pour out their bile and poisonous disinformation in defence of Syria's doomed dictator.

They know who they – we won't waste our time engaging with them in interminable, futile debates. But very soon history will judge them, and the inexorable march of the Arab Awakening will expose them and confine them to the dustbin of history, forever.

Below we bring to your attention three important articles that analyse the delusions and motives behind these reactionary, self-serving enemies of the Arab people:

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